Göran Blankendal

I’m an Entrepreneur | Philanthropist | Freelance Senior Data Engineer | Husband & Father

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I’m a Freelancer with extensive knowledge

working in the following areas

Senior Data / DevOps Engineer

Managing and monitoring big data systems such as Elasticsearch, Cassandra, Hadoop and OpenNebula clusters using tools like Ansible, Terraform and monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, etc. He also has a Red Hat certification in administering Linux environments.

Senior Software Engineer

I also have experience developing applications with languages such as Scala, Java and Python using OOP and AOP. Before delving into big data, I worked as a Software Engineer on JEE applications using the Spring Framework and sub-projects, Spring Security, Hibernate and Tomcat.

Jacob Hoeflaken

Jacob Hoeflaken

Ik heb Göran leren kennen als een meester op zijn vakgebied: doortastend, nauwkeurig en nieuwsgierig en in staat zijn kennis over te brengen op zijn collega’s

Richard Pieterse

Richard Pieterse

Goran has worked on a challenging project with a lot of technical challenges which Goran successfully dealt with. Great person to work with. Proficient in software technologies, ready to share his knowledge and to give a hand.